
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Natural Remedy - Treatment for Insomnia by Hulda Clark

Natural Remedy - Treatment for Insomnia by Hulda Clark

The following excerpt is from "The Cure for all Diseases" by Hulda Clark

Another sleep disturbance is waking in the night and not being able to go back to sleep for hours. Or not being able to get to sleep.

I believe these problems are caused by a high ammonia level in the brain. This belief is based on two observations. Ornithine, an ammonia reducer, induces a wonderful sleep in sleep-deprived persons. It is also observed that after killing parasites, which produce ammonia, sleep is much improved. Our metabolism does not produce ammonia. We produce urea which is excreted by the kidneys along with water and then called urine. When we are parasitized, our metabolism is burdened with ammonia, though, made by the parasites. We have to turn it into urea in the liver and kidneys so we can excrete for them. But this can't be done in the brain! The brain lacks an essential enzyme, ornithine carbamyl-transferase, for this bit of biochemistry. The brain was never meant to be parasitized or infected and has no defense. Most of our parasites come from animals we associate with. We weren't meant to live with horses, cows, sheep, pigs, monkeys, guinea pigs, cats, dogs and chickens nor to come in contact with dozens more at a zoo. We do so at our own peril.

It is known that ammonia is a strong brain irritant. In fact, a person can be awakened from a coma by being made to smell ammonia "smelling salts." Ornithine reacts with ammonia, mopping it up like a sponge. Arginine, another amino acid, also reacts with ammonia, but does not put you to sleep. So there is more to insomnia than mere inability to reduce ammonia levels. Arginine results in alertness and therefore should be used in the morning, when needed. Ornithine, given at bedtime, may take 1/2 hour to do its magic. Both are perfectly safe, since they are natural to your body, and a food constituent.

Start by taking two ornithine capsules (each 500 mg.) on the first night. Take four the next night. Take six the night after and choose the dose you like best. Sometimes it takes five days to "catch up" on everything that needs to be done for the brain and get you sleeping. Meanwhile, of course, you are planning to kill your parasites and be done with insomnia in the most effective way of all.

Another sleep aid is herbal. A couple of herbs, valerian and skullcap, are known for such action. The mechanisms are not understood and this makes for non-uniform action. Some persons sleep well with them, others do not. Simply try them to find out. We are all so different inour metabolism details, we respond differently to herbs. But it is a blessing that the mechanism is not understood. Herbs, a tradition that precedes civilization, need to be forever off limits for intervention by government agencies.

Copyright 1995 by Hulda Clark
Permission is hereby granted to make copies of any part of this document for non-commercial purposes provided this page with the original copyright notice is included.

Read more about treating for parasites, click here.

Read more about "zapping parasites" in Hulda Clark's book, click here.

Disclaimer: This post is offered for informational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.

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