
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Natural Remedy for Yeast Infections and Candida by Hulda Clark

Natural Remedy for Yeast Infections and Candida by Hulda Clark

The following excerpt is from "The Cure for all Diseases" by Hulda Clark.

The most common yeast in humans is Candida albicans. Candida has always been around. It flies in the air, searching for a place to land and reproduce. It can invade a variety of human tissues like the mouth (called thrush), skin (including some kinds of diaper rash), vagina, and the digestive tract. We all have some yeast in our digestive tract, but when it gets out of hand, it's called candidiasis.

Yeast is a fungus. It needs dampness to survive and sugar to grow.

Our immune system, white blood cells, are capable of eradicating yeast provided it isn;t growing too fast. And provided the white blood cells aren't immobilized or preoccupied with something else.

Diaper Rash
A baby's rash is an example of the white blood cells being preoccupied. When chemicals are used in the diaper, the white blood cells go after the chemicals and let the yeast grow. Drying the baby's skin helps since the yeast must have dampness. This should be done with air, sunlight and a heat lamp, not with more chemicals! Certainly not with cortisone containing salves that further reduce the immune competence of white blood cells.

Use a heat lamp for five minutes at a time, several times a day. Switch to cloth diapers; do not bleach them with chlorine bleach, the residual chlorine trapped in the cloth is a chronic irritant, setting the stage for another rash and future chlorine-allergy. Cloth diapers should be sterilized, not bleached. Use the hottest water your laundry system is capable of producing. Add 1/2 cup borax for the washing process. If you have homemade Lugol's iodine (made by your pharmacist or by yourself, see Recipes), add a tsp. to the wash or rinse. Vinegar is a yeast inhibitor, add it to the rinse. Dry diapers at the hottest setting. Dry to kill. Kill all the yeast spores in the diapers.

To stregthen the baby's skin against future infection, do not put chemicals on the skin. Do not use any soap, fragrance, bath oil, ointment or lotion. Do not use cotton balls or baby wipes. Do not give a daily bath. Wash bottoms gently, with borax followed by a vitamin C rinse. Vitamin C is acid and is our natural healing agent but it will sting on a broken skin surface. Use it as dilute as necessary to be tolerated. Zinc oxide is another natural healer because it competes away the iron that fungus and bacteria need for their reproduction. Never use commercially available zinc compounds though, simply purchase your own zinc oxide powder, mix it with cornstarch and keep in a large old salt shaker, dust it wherever there is oisture or fungus growth.

Treat Yeast or Fungus the Same
Other fungus growths, like Tinea (crotch itch), ringworm (not a worm at all), athlete's foot, along with Candida, can be similarly eradicated:

1. Deprive the fungus of moisture
2. Deprive the invaders of iron
3. Deprive the fungus of sugar
4. Strengthen the skin's immune power
5. Strengthen the skin's healing ability

It may be impossible to deprive the fungus of moisture, for example if your feet sweat and you must wear socks. Take your socks off as soon as you are at home, treat your feet with a heat lamp. Use zinc oxide or cornstarch to powder and dry the skin. Boil your socks when laundering. Dry them to tinder-heat (too hot to touch). Launder with borax only (soaps and detergents contain aluminum which pollutes the skin). Rinse skin with vitamin C water. It takes all these measures used simultaneously to clear up athlete's foot fungus. And great persistence. They may have developed a foothold underneath the toe nail where a steady supply of moisture, iron and sugar is available to them. Nevertheless, your white blood cells will eventually gobble them up if you let them.

In thrush (yeast infection of the mouth) you must again outwit its growth by doing everything possible at one time. Eat no sugar, drink no fruit juice, stay off antibiotic. Avoid trauma like eating abrasive foods (crusts, popcorn, nuts, lozenges) or sucking on things. Floss teeth only once a day (using monofilament fish line), followed immediately by brushing with white iodine (or Lugol's, but this may temporarily stain). Hydrogen peroxide is not strong enough. Remember to sterilize your toothbrush with grain alocohol or iodine. You may rinse your mouth with Lugol's (6 drops to 1/4 cup of water). Or apply 6 drops directly to the tongue and rub it in lightly with your lips.

Do not use Lugol's iodine if you have been told you are allergic to iodine.

Kill Candida daily with a frequency generator or zapper. Since reinfection is constant, you must continue to do all the treatments given to permanently cure yourself of fungus disease.

Since Candida grows right into your living cells (which you are not attacking!) you cannot kill it all at once. Only surface fungus can be accessed by either Lugol's or electrical "zapping". But as the top layer is killed, exposing the next layer, you will make progress. It will take a month of daily treatment to clear it.

Clearing up fungus at one location but not another will not bring you a permanent cure, either. Damp locations like under the breasts, under the belly fold, groin and crotch need to be kept dry with cornstarch daily. Keep it up long after it seems to be cured.

Copyright 1995 by Hulda Clark
Permission is hereby granted to make copies of any part of this document for non-commercial purposes provided this page with the original copyright notice is included.

Read more about treating for parasites, click here.

Read Hulda Clark's book, click here.

Disclaimer: This post is offered for informational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.

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